What a difference a day makes!

What a difference a day makes!

What a difference a day makes, 24 little hours…  These lyrics have never been more true then today!  To say we are living through a time of uncertainty is an understatement.  People are nervous! Nervous of what they know and even more worried about the unknown.  

We wait!  We try to prepare, but it’s hard when you don’t know what you’re in for.  We know how to prepare for snow storms and hurricanes, we get the milk, bread, and eggs!  But how do you prepare for something that may last for an undetermined amount of time? Some panic and begin hoarding items, some retreat into themselves, others may refuse to accept what is happening, while others may be in denial. 

Individuals worry how they will pay their bills, business owners fear they will not be able to recover, investors worry as they watch their retirement savings disappear.  Students mourn their semester as they are thrown into a new reality. Graduations, birthday parties, weddings, vacations are all up in the air. For some this time of uncertainty brings new health concerns as worry what will happen if we get sick?

Amid all this uncertainty there is one thing we can do.  We can move forward! We must live in the moment. This sentiment is more vital now then ever.  Live in the moment! Try to enjoy the little things. The extra time at home with family. If you can’t be together in person, reach out via the phone.  Set up a call schedule to remind those not with you that you’re thinking about them. Use this time to do a little self care. Read that book you’ve been putting off.  Pull out the board games from the back of the closet. Extra time at home is a good time to clean out that basement or paint a bedroom. Organize the boxes of photos. Start or keep up with exercise.  

We may need to stay home, but it doesn’t mean that we stop.  It is important that we take care of ourselves and those around us.  I’m happy to see the stories of people helping strangers during this time.  This is something that comes out of trying times. We come together, we move past our differences and come together as people!  We need more of that and we can start right now. We can make a promise to ourselves that every day we will try to do one better. To be better by one!  A kind act or smile has a ripple effect. Reach out to one person to check in and let them know they’re not forgotten. Do one extra thing to take better care of yourself. 

The amount of news coming in is overwhelming.  Take time each day to step away from the media.  Set a schedule for news updates, don’t keep the news on all day, instead listen to some music.  Weather permitting, get outside for a bit. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, reach out to someone, a friend, a family member, or a therapist.  Meditation, yoga, and other forms of exercise can help clear your mind and can provide a release for the angst.  


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